Race as a Bundle of Sticks:

Designs that Estimate Effects of Seemingly Immutable Characteristics

Omar Wasow

Asst Professor, Politics, UC Berkeley
(with Maya Sen, Harvard Kennedy School)

PS140O, 2/18/2025

“No causation without manipulation.”

– Holland (1986)

Can we randomly assign race?

Experiment with race as skin color?

Experiment with race as perception?

What do we even mean by “race”?

Contesting Racial Categories

Causal inferences and potential outcomes

  • The potential outcomes framework
    • A large literature raising questions about causal inference with “immutable characteristics” (e.g., Rubin 1974, Holland 1986, Angrist 1996, Rubin 2005, Greiner 2010)
  • Race within the potential outcomes framework
    • Problem 1: Race cannot be manipulated
    • Problem 2: With race, everything is post-treatment
    • Problem 3: Race is unstable

Can we estimate effects of race or sex?

One example: “Those Who Tan…”

How to measure “race”?

Effects for those who tan (but not who don’t)

Effects for men but not women

Another way: “Those Who Tan…”

Race as a “bundle of sticks”

Resolving problems with “Bundle of Sticks”

  • Partial solution to problem of manipulability
    • Identify an element of race that is both relevant to the research question and can be manipulated
    • Traits that are constitutive and collinear with race while also mutable are well suited to causal inference

What do we mean by collinear?

Name % White % Black % Asian % Hispanic
Yoder 98.11 0.14 0.18 0.68
Krueger 97.06 0.16 0.43 1.15
Washington 5.16 89.87 0.25 1.45
Jefferson 18.72 75.24 0.25 1.57
Zhang 0.61 0.09 98.16 0.16
Huang 1.03 0.09 96.83 0.29
Barajas 3.28 0.17 0.17 95.97
Zavala 4.10 0.17 0.16 95.10

Another example: “Unveiling the Cosmic Race…”

Ethnoracial categories…

…Categories obscure phenotypic diversity

How do they measure skin tone?

Importance of race vs skin tone varies by country

  • “In Haiti, where most identify as Afro or Black, skin tone explains more economic variation than ethnoracial categories.”

  • “In contrast, in Guatemala, where Indigenous and Mestizo identities are more evenly distributed, ethnoracial categories play a larger role.”

  • “These patterns likely reflect each country’s racial classification history, labor systems, and institutionalized discrimination.”

Resolving problems with “Bundle of Sticks”

  • Partial solution to problem of post-treatment bias
    • Constitutive elements of race are “assigned” after conception or remain manipulable after conception
    • Focusing on an element of race more tractable for research and policy

Some elements of race are more mutable

Hypothetical mutability of characteristics associated with race and ethnicity.

“Immutable Characteristics” vs “Bundle of sticks”

Thank you

“Race as a Bundle of Sticks:” Designs that Estimate Effects of Seemingly Immutable Characteristics