PS140O: Projecting Power
– Week 5, Tues 2/18
– Week 7, Tues 3/4
– Week 9, Tues 3/18
– Week 11, Tues 4/8
– Update Week 13, Tues 4/22
Clientelism, “exchange of goods and services for political support”
Competitive authoritarianism
We have spoken to many [people in this country, country X] and they have all described themselves in different ways. Some people describe themselves in terms of their language, religion, race, and others describe themselves in economic terms, such as working class, middle class, or a farmer. Besides being [a citizen of X], which specific group do you feel you belong to first and foremost?
Allows multiple answers
Permits them to isolate the factors that are associated with attachments to different dimensions of social identity
They group respondents’ answers into five categories: ethnic, religion, class/occupation, gender, and “other”
Bias possible but one out of more than 175 questions asked in the standard Afrobarometer questionnaire
Let’s hear from: Stephanie, Qing, Amelia, Derya
Contrary to the stereotype that Africans are unidimensionally ethnic in their self-identifications, a minority of 31% of respondents identify themselves first and foremost in ethnic terms. Indeed, fewer respondents choose ethnic identities than class/occupation identities, which are chosen by 36% of respondents. In addition, responses vary tremendously across countries and, perhaps even more strikingly, within countries over time—a finding consistent with theories of ethnic identification that stress contextual variability.
“One prominent answer in the African politics literature emphasizes the role of political elites. By this account, politicians find it advantageous to “play the ethnic card” as a means of mobilizing supporters to acquire or retain political power”
“Politicians’ efforts at ethnic mobilization are especially likely to take place during the period immediately preceding elections”
Particularly when elections are close
“An alternative explanation…focuses on regular citizens—specifically, on their beliefs that jobs, favors, and public goods will be channeled disproportionately to coethnics of the person who is in a position to allocate them”
“Elections are the moment when the people who will control the allocation of resources are chosen, they are also the occasion when people should be most mindful of their ethnic identities and of the match between their own identity and that of the candidates vying for power”
Let’s hear from: Gretchen, Lanah, Arman, Sarah
Let’s hear from: Luci, Alisa, Katie, Jazzy
Let’s hear from: Pintack, Jessica, Nadia, Bailey
Let’s hear from: Yana, Daniela, Kierstyn, Alexander